Sunday, February 20, 2011

Broomball season in review

I recently completed my final broomball game. It was a fun sport to try, though I was surprised at how competitive it was.

Our team ended with a record of 2-4-1, though I wasn't there for the tie game. Every game was a decently fair match except for the final game, where we were blown out by a team that didn't belong in the "D" league. While we weren't the most organized team, most people on our team had some prior experience.

Here are some of my personal stats: 0 goals, 0 assists, 4 shots on goal, and my redeeming one, 0 goals allowed as goalie. I only spent about 3 minutes of one game as goalie, though, so don't be too impressed! In addition, I also spent two minutes in the penatly box for high-sticking.

Some of my teammates were easy going, but I found many of the people on the ice (both on my team and other teams) to take this goofy sport much more seriously than I did. We had referees, so I suppose that set the tone. I was surprised to see some people arguing with referees, though. I laughed when I saw this happening.

It was fun to be involved in a team sport, especially in the winter, but I am definitely more successful at individual sports. I'm pretty good at finding ways to stay active during any season, so I doubt I'll join another broomball team.

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