Sunday, May 29, 2011

Getting outside in May

I haven't posted anything new for a couple weeks, but that doesn't mean I haven't been exploring. Actually, it means the opposite. I've gone on several runs, climbs, and rides in the past couple of weeks. I even went on another fun weekend camping trip, which I'll be blogging about shortly.

Starting with the runs, I went on a run from St. Paul to Minneapolis. This doesn't mean much in many parts of the city, but where I was, it meant for a out and back run totaling roughly 12 miles. It was a nice night, I felt strong, and decided to keep going! One issue with running that far is hydration, which I had covered, as I ran with a water bottle. The biggest issue for me was the soreness after the run. I was quite stiff that night and the next day, though it didn't keep me from getting outside while the weather was nice.

I went on a couple of bike rides in the last few weeks. The most interesting one included some biking past the State Capitol, up to Maryland Avenue and then back by taking a trail on Phalen. It was a nice ride, especially the trail along Phalen.

On the climbing end of things, I have begun to Lead climb in the gym. This takes quite a bit more skill than the auto belay or top rope climbing, but also provides a greater reward when done correctly. Even though this is in the gym, it is close to what you would think of when someone is climbing outdoors.

I'm hoping to make June just as fun-filled as May!

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