Thursday, June 23, 2011


One of the highlights of living in Minnesota (or Wisconsin) is having the opportunity to spend time on the water. I recently went kayaking, and also got the chance to go tubing and go on a short ride on a pontoon.

I've only used a 2 person kayak before, so getting into a single person kayak was new for me, but I wasn't too scared, after all, I was on a lake that wasn't very busy. It began to rain, but I continued to explore, going past an island and into an area that most motorboats can't go due to low water levels.

Going tubing was fun, even if a little painful. I don't know what hurt more: hitting the water after falling off the tube or the pain from holding on to the tube.

It was a fun day on the water, and I hope to have more just like it.

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