Monday, October 10, 2011

Lake Como

With unseasonably warm weather this fall, I have been able to enjoy summer activiies a little later in the year than I would have expected. One of those activities is riding my bike. I went for a ride around Lake Como (in St. Paul, not Italy), and enjoyed the fall colors.
Lake Como is 1.75 miles around, so it made for a quick ride, but it was definitely the best part of my 8 mile ride that day.
Nestled in a residential neighborhood on one side, and a golf course on another, it is a small lake surrounded by trails. There were many walkers and runners on the trails, but I had the bike trail almost entirely to myself. The trails were fairly flat, but I do remember a couple of small hills.
After I left lake Como, I headed towards the state capitol building, which is only a couple miles away. It was a great ride on a beautiful evening.

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