Friday, October 4, 2013

Climbing at Devil's Lake State Park WI

Last year I visited Devils lake state park and did some climbing in an area known as the Railroad ampitheater. It was a great time, and I knew that I would have to come back if I had the opportunity. In August, I got that opportunity, and visited for a weekend. This time the climbing was on sandstone, outside of the busy area of the park.

Arriving at night, we got to our campsite, set up camp, and went to bed for a good night's sleep before what would be a long day of climbing. We woke up early and headed over to the crag (Old Sandstone area) via our cars. The climbing area is away from the popular trails in the park, and the best way to approach is by parking in a small lot near a trailhead.

There were several climbs to set up, and I climbed 5 of them, all of them pretty fun. The easiest climbs were around 5.5, but I only made attempts on 5.7-5.10 rated routes. The area was well shaded, as it is in the woods.

Yeah, I should have done this post earlier, as I would have remembered more specifics, but it was a good place to check out.

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