Monday, July 16, 2012

The highest Point in Iowa, Hawkeye Point

I know I left the readers for a real cliffhanger in my last post , so I've decided to tell everyone where we were off to after visiting Palisades State Park in South Dakota. We went to the highest point in Iowa, Hawkeye Point.

We were pretty tired by the time we actually hit the road to go to Hawkeye Point, as we had been climbing and it was really hot outside. Fortunately it wasn't too far of a drive from eastern South Dakota.

When we arrived at Hawkeye Point, we were pleasantly surprised. Despite being the easiest highpoint I've been to as far as sheer effort from where I parked my car (yes, this was easier than Rhode Island), this was actually a pretty neat place. No, there wasn't an incredible view of anything other than fields, but the spot is well taken care of. I enjoyed looking at some pictures in a barn and liked seeing the arrows pointing in the directions of the other highpoints. I also liked the mosaic compass (pictured above). People really put some work into this place!

While I don't think I'll be returning to Hawkeye Point anytime soon, it was a great example of why I like highpointing- going places you normally never would can turn out to be interesting.

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