Saturday, April 6, 2013

South Rim of the Grand Canyon in March

I recently traveled to the Grand Canyon, and yes, it is appropriately named, if you haven't been there. It has always been a place I have wanted to see ever since hearing about kids who went there with their families when I was in grade school.

I camped in Mather Campground, located in the south rim area of the park. It was a decent campsite, though being in higher elevation (around 7000 feet) and in mid-march, the temps did get into the upper teens over night, which wasn't a big problem as I had come prepared from Minnesota with warm clothing. Staying two nights, it gave me a chance to see a couple of trails.

The first night I saw the rim trail, which is extremely popular as it is all blacktop and provides for epic views. It is accessible in a variety of shuttle bus stops, but I walked from the campground to it, as it still wasn't too far.

The next day I headed out early (with a partner) as we shuttled over to the South Kaibab trailhead. We began a hike into the canyon, which started out with some switchbacks (even a little bit of ice), and the tone was set. We made our way down to a place called Skeleton Point and decided to turn around and head back up. This made for roughly six miles round trip. The trail was heavily used, by both people and mules.

What a special place the Grand Canyon is. I'm glad I got to go, and would I go back? You bet! The place is huge and I only saw a sliver of it.

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