Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Treadmill time!

I enjoy spending time outside, and ideally, I would only run outside. I don't enjoy freezing my butt off, though, so in the winter I tend to find myself working out indoors.

Even though running is one of my favorite outdoor activities, the treadmill seems to take some of the fun out of it. My advice to all those reading is to make your treadmill days short and fast. I like to use them to do speed tests, such as a one or two mile. Another great thing to use is the incline function. It makes the workout more challenging and once you begin to decline, you begin to feel stronger.

If you absolutely cannot stand the treadmill, but want a great cardio workout, give the rowing machine a try. It will hurt, but will also get your heart rate going if you put some effort in.

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