Sunday, November 28, 2010

The turkey trot

Along with thousands of others in minneapolis, and I suspect millions nationwide, I paricipated in a thanksgiving day race. Mine was a very cold 5k through the warehouse district in downtown minneapolis.

Normally, I don't run if its below 40 degrees outside, but I already paid for the race, and just wouldn't feel right wearing a shirt from a race that I didn't actually participate in. It was about 15 degrees out, with winds up to 15 mph, so easily not in my normal range of tolerance. To add more fun to the event, there were some patches of ice on the road. I bundled up, though, and ended up finishing under 20 minutes. Not my goal time, but all things considered, not too bad for the conditions.


  1. I ran a turkey day race too, but the conditions were MUCH better than yours. My race was a 4.75 miler with a one mile hill in it. Glad to see you braved the weather. 20 minutes is a good time too, especially considering the weather and ice.

  2. A one mile hill- Now that would burn enough calories to eat some serious stuffing!

  3. For sure! How about running up Mount Washington? It's just one hill too-a 7 mile one. I'm going to try it some day. A few of my friends have. BTW, my wife bought me a pair of snow shoes. I've yet to use them. Maybe we'll get some snow in CT this winter- but not too much snow.
