Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Indoor climbing: new routes

I've continued to go climbing at the local climbing gym in St. Paul. I find that it is often a young, excited crowd. I must admit, I'm usually pretty excited, too. I feel my strength and confidence in my climbing have both improved significantly since I started going a couple months ago.

I usually go with one or two other friends, and we definitely push eachother. Naturally, we also make fun of eachother about as much as we can. Keeping it fun is what we want to do. Just today, we found time to laugh at ourselves after seeing a much more experienced climber make some of the stuff we were trying look easy. Did I mention he was 12? The gym has people of all ages, which is great for the sport.

I know I have improved, if by no other reason, there is a rating system in climbing where the easiest routes are rated 5.6, then it goes up to 5.7, 5.8, and so on. I now find myself mostly trying 5.10 routes, and not struggling much with 5.9 and below. The first few times I went, though, though, that wasn't the case. I was stuck on at 5.9 for a while, and was challenged by 5.8 routes.

I have been going 2-3 times a week for the past few weeks, so I hope to see even more gains in the future.

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