Friday, January 27, 2012

group fitness classes

I used to be of the attitude that I could easily get a better workout on my own and didn't need group fitness classes. While it is true that I've gone on many long runs and have exhausted myself, I find a strong value in group fitness classes now that I am not training for anything specific.
I have participated in 3 different classes: bootcamp, tabata, and abs.

Bootcamp is a tough class, and may involve some running (though not very far), core exercises, lifting light weights quickly, and general muscle burnout. This class has made me sweat hard every time, and has even made me dizzy a couple times when I was ill-prepared. I often feel the after effects of this class the next day.

Tabata is similar to bootcamp, but every move is only done for 20 seconds, then you get a 10 second break (usually just to do an easier exercise). You repeat this over and over, and it doesn't take long before it becomes very tough. With enough repetition, any move is tough, and that is what this class is all about.

Abs class is pretty straightforward. We perform movements to engage the core muscles. The class goes for 10-15 minutes, so its never easy.

Another benefit of group fitness classes is the fact that you are doing the workout with others. I find that I will push myself a little harder when others are around.

If you are on the fence over a group fitness class, give it a try.

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