Sunday, January 8, 2012

No Snow in Minnesota-Yet

January in Minnesota- usually not the most comfortable place to go, has been unseasonably warm and snow-free this year.

I recently went "winter camping", though, it didn't get much below about 25 degrees outside, not exactly your cold adventure. We've seen temperatures over 40 several days already. As far as the snow goes? Nothing worth noting, especially when you compare this year to last, where I went snowshoeing several times already by this time.

There have been some positives, though. I'm getting the feeling a few more people are actually sticking to their new years resolutions! People are still running and walking all over the place outside. I've also seen many people out riding their bikes and rollerblading on the trails in Minneapolis. Of course, it also makes for a more mild walk to work in the morning.

I'm looking forward to skiing, snowshoeing, and more winter camping, but we'll need some more snow!

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