Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Camping in Willow River State Park

Willow River State Park, located just outside of Hudson, WI, is a convenient park for people who live in the twin cities and western Wisconsin. I first visited in the fall (and wrote a post about it then), and recently visited again. This time I went camping and enjoyed the park even more.

Naturally, I visited the waterfall and did a little exploring around there with my friends. This was the obvious first stop as they had never been to the park, and you don't see waterfalls like that too often in Wisconsin.

The next task at hand was to set up our campsite. We ended up having 3 tents for 5 people (we had 2 person tents). We easily had enough space, and we were fortunate to have a little distance between our campsite and the other campsites in the park. There were still quite a few people walking around, though, so it wasn't as peaceful as some places. Either way, it was a wooded campsite in a nice park, which was pretty good for what we were looking for.

I went on a run a little later in the day, which included a hill that was just brutal. I never stopped, but during part of it I felt like I could walk faster than I was running! It was a paved path, but most of the running I did was on the trails. I think I went about 3-4 miles total.

As the night came, we got our fire going, cooked up some dinner, and told campfire stories. A great way to spend a cool spring night.

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