Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Snowshoeing: From one beginner to another

I bought a pair of snowshoes about two years ago, not actually knowing if I would enjoy the activity. While I wouldn't recommend this approach to most sports, I had some friends who had snowshoes, so I decided to spend the money to get some quality snowshoes. I think it turned out to be a good decision, as snowshoeing happens to be a fun and inexpensive outdoor activity.

There are many types of snowshoes out there, and also many places to buy them. It isn't all the same: if you want to race and run on trails, you will likely buy a completely different (look, shape, and size) than if you are doing backcountry trekking. I recommend that you search for experts online or at a sporting goods store to make an educated decision.

I've never competed in a snowshoe race, but there are several out there. I have done most of my snowshoeing at parks where there is enough space to go a little off the trail and not get lost. I find this to be the most enjoyable, especially with a variety of terrain.

Before you set foot outside, though, it is always important to wear the right clothing. Obviously, it depends on just how cold it is. Remember, it is a workout, so it might not be best to wear your winter coat. You want something that you can move in and that breathes a little.

I hope to have future posts about snowshoeing as the winter progresses.

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