Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Broomball: slippery fun

It may surprise some people out there, but today was my first time ever playing broomball. I joined a non- competitive team that a coworker started. It turned out to be a bit awkward, but pretty fun.

I have absolutely no experience playing (and very little experience watching) hockey, so when I signed up for broomball, I told the team captain I would probably stink at it. Fortunately, we are in the least competitive mens league in town. A little background: (and I didn't know this before today) Broomball is played similar to hockey, but it uses a small ball and sticks that look like large ice scrapers. Also, you wear a special shoe on the ice so that you can actually run around.

I was easily the worst player on the ice, but it was my first game, and besides, I'm a runner, not a broomballer. The running skills didn't help much, as even though the special shoes made it possible to pick up some speed on ice, it's still ice, a surface I'm used to treating with extreme care to avoid injury.

All in all, broomball is a fun way to get outside, even if you are sliding all over the place.

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