Sunday, January 2, 2011

Skiing into the New Year

2011! It feels pretty good to be starting a new year. This year I'm committing to staying active (not a resolution, but a general way of life). On that note, I went skiing for the first time in many years.

The last time I went cross country skiing I was in middle school, and even though I've been through many winters since then, I haven't had too big of an urge to go until about a year ago when I helped out with a ski race. Seeing the athletes made me want to give it a try, but alas, I didn't get out until today.

I didn't want to make a financial commitment, so I was able to borrow some skis and boots, and went out on a public trail in the suburbs with a friend. She hadn't skied in years either, so it was a great opportunity for us to both practice our skills on some old skis.

Very quickly after we started, I could feel a burn in my triceps. I tried to work on my form a bit, and for some of the time I tried to not use the poles, though I found that to be hard as well. Soon, we saw a class of young children, so we stopped and went off to the side of the trail. We didn't want to fall down near them!

In total we probably skied for a mile or two. The terrain was varied, so we could really notice when we were going up or going down a hill. We never really learned how to stop well, but lucky for us, we didn't have any bad falls. I guess we know what to work on the next time we go, which I hope will be soon.

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