Monday, January 10, 2011

Walking to work: not an adventure, but a lifestyle

I moved in October to an apartment located about half a mile from where I work. There is a bus stop near my aparment, but I've never actually rode the bus in to work as I would rather walk than sit in the cold waiting for a bus to arrive. With all of the snow that has fallen, it has actually been a bit interesting. I've worn snowpants and boots into the office a couple times, but for now the sidewalks are decent.

I find that walking to work is much less stressful than driving as well. When you walk to work, traffic isn't something for you to worry about. In addition to the obvious cost savings, you get to start your day on a good note. For many people this isn't possible, as not all businesses are near enough residential areas to walk to, but if you can walk to work, I definitely recommend it!

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